We are currently working on a monograph, “About Mechanology: 1965-1985”, that will provide a history of Canadian mechanology. This book is an intellectual history of “mechanology,” an academic and cultural movement that attempted to create a new discipline in the social sciences dedicated to the study of machines and their interaction with society. Our interest in recovering mechanology lies not only in the originality of the theories and ideas articulated by its contributors, but also, and even more centrally for this research project, in the ways in which they experimented with media production and media technology. This books centers on the work of the two central figures in mechanology: John Hart, a computer scientist based at the University of Western Ontario, and Jean Le Moyne, a Québécois filmmaker and essayist. We plan to complete the writing of the monograph by the end of 2018.
Thibault, Ghislain. (2017) “Filming Simondon: The National Film Board, Education, and Humanism.” Canadian Journal of Film Studies 26, no. 1: 1–23.
Thibault, G., & Hayward, M. (2017) “Understanding Machines: A History of Canadian Mechanology.” Canadian Journal of Communication 42, no. 3: 449–466.
Thibault, G., & Hayward, M. (2014). Jean Le Moyne’s Itinéraire mécanologique: Machine Poetics, Reverie, and Technological Humanism. Canadian Literature.
Hayward, M., & Thibault G. (2013) Machinic Milieus: Simondon, John Hart and Mechanology. Disability History Newsletter, 9(2), 28-33. [Research note].
Hayward, M., & Geoghegan, B. (2012) Catching Up with Simondon. SubStance, 41, 3-15.
Thibault, G. (2017) Tools: in the Hands of the Tekton. Présentée au colloque annuel de l’Association canadienne de communication (ACC), Université Ryerson, Toronto, du 30 mai au 2 juin.
Thibault, G. (2015). Filming Simondon: Cultural Hysteresis and Technological Humanism Paper presented at Media Art History: Re-Create, Montréal (UQAM and Concordia), Session 4B, November 5-8.
Hayward, M. (2015). Feasibility and Failure: Technology, Infrastructure and Reverie, Paper presented at Media Art History: Re-Create, Montréal (UQAM and Concordia), Session 4B, November 5-8.
Thibault, G. (2015). La mécanologie canadienne (1965-1975) : Le problème des machines. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Communication Association (ACC-CCA), University of Ottawa, du 3 au 5 juin.
Hayward, M. (2015). The Machine on the Farm: Cybernetics in Rural Contexts, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Communication Association (ACC-CCA), University of Ottawa, June 3-5.
Thibault, G. (2014). Theology of Tools: Jean Le Moyne, Mechanology and Technological Humanism. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association (MEA), Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, June 19–22.
Hayward, M. (2013). Kinematik/Cinematic: The Machine Films of Jean LeMoyne. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA), South Bend, IN, Oct. 3–6.
Thibault, G. (2013). Passive Media: Movement and Inertia in Information Technologies. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA), South Bend, IN, Oct. 3–6.